We’re Looking For Local Atlanta GA House Finders – Earn Good Money – Join Our House Finders Program FREE Below Today!
Hi! Here at THE WYATT GROUP CORP we’re looking for people locally here in Atlanta (and surrounding areas of GA) who can help us find houses that we can buy from home owners who need to sell.
In exchange we pay really nice “finders fees”… PLUS, as a bonus you’ll get to learn our process of investing real estate in the process!
We’ve been a part of this community for years and are passionate about helping homeowners out of their “sticky house situations” by purchasing their house for a fair price. It’s win-win-win solution for all.
Over the years we’ve developed a great system for helping those homeowners in distress out of that situation through our local Atlanta House Buyer Program. In addition, one of our missions is to beautify Atlanta one neighborhood at a time by fixing up properties and getting great home owners into them.
This is where we need your help (and how you can earn up to $5k per month… if you hustle) finding houses that fit what we’re looking for here in the Atlanta area and surrounding areas… and sending them our way in our House Finders Cash Incentive Program (some people call it a “Bird Dog Program”).
Really, it’s much simpler than you think.
Do you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who is in financial trouble and needs to sell?
Is there a vacant house at the end of the street that you’d love someone to buy and fix up?
Join our Atlanta House Finders Program below and send us the details… we’ll take it from there.
Once you submit a property to us (with basic info)… we then dive in and do the research, connect with the seller, and see if we can strike a deal. We process all of the paperwork and do all of the work… you just get a finders fee check once we close for telling us about that property.
… on the way home from work, in your everyday life… when you find a property that fits what we’re looking for, write it down and submit it. Plus you’ll be learning about real estate investing in the process!
If you’re interested to join our local House Finders Fee program, just fill out the form below to join free.
After you join our Atlanta Area House Finders Program (for FREE on this site) we’ll train you on exactly what to look for and how to submit the properties to us.
And you can start as soon as tonight if you wanted to.
Earn extra income locally with us! We're looking for properties to buy... and if you can help us find great properties... we'll pay you handsomely for the ones we end up buying! No obligation and no hassle at all. It's 100% up to you how much you want to do and how much you want to earn in "property finders fees". See you on the next page!
Free Report on the 3 ways to invest passively or semi-passively in today's real estate market without losing your shirt or having to find great deals yourself. ENTER YOUR INFORMATION BELOW
The Wyatts impressed us with their efficient and professional approach, which not only inspired confidence but generated the results we were looking for. It is of great comfort to know that they will do all the heavy lifting. We would highly recommend The Wyatts Group Inc. to any prospective property seller.
Ellen K.
I want to compliment The Wyatts Group Inc. for their service quality. Such service builds great working relationships. From desired and satisfied results, I started referring them into my friend’s circle who wanted to sell their property as well. It’s always a pleasure dealing with these guys.
Jeff N.
Really appreciate the team Wyatts in supporting us throughout the home selling process.
Lamar S.
We are a real estate solutions and investment firm that specializes finding value added real estate opportunities and executing on those opportunities to revitalize our community, create thriving income properties, and to partner with qualified investors to help them participate in this real estate market. This is not a solicitation or offer of securities. Investment is offered only to qualified investors through a written Investment Agreement or Private Placement Memorandum.
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